Sunday, March 24, 2013


                   The EMC or Educational Media Center serves as a vital instrument as well as abasis requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school's educational process.
EMC services;
1. Orientation
2. Selection of print and non-print materials
3. Organization of print and non-print materials
4. Curriculum of print and non-print materials
5. Reference
6. Bibliographic Service
7. Media Instruction Program
8. Class Supervised Research
9. Grade Level newspaper
10. Mags-on-wheels
11. Photocopying service
12. Video and Sound Production
13. Multi-media services


                 EMC is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school. It renders a quality service for a school. It is a unit in the school that help the school fulfill its mission and realize its vision by living up to the schoo's philosophy and aims.
                For a classroom facilities, it should be designed and provided with essential facilities for effective use of educational media,classroom must equipped for full light conmtrol, electrical outlets, appropriate ventillation and media operation space, classrooms should be equipped with a bulletin board, chalkboard, projection screen, map rails for instructional using media.
               Foe a media program, there must be a clear-cut administration policies in the media program, there must be an adequate source/system of funding, there must be appropriate hiring of media center supervisions, creating and technical personnel,consultants and clerical staff.
               An EMC is a facility of the school system tasked to acquire, maintain, care and promote the full effective use of educational media. It bridges both old and new technologies meant to make learning more effecient and effective. It facilitates and ensures the optimum user of all instructional media. It organizes learning activities for students and teachers alike for them to upgrade and improve on their technology manipulative skills all for the purpose of motivating them to keep on developing their communication, analytical, integrative, creative and collaborative skills for meaningful lifelong learning.

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