Sunday, March 24, 2013


                   The EMC or Educational Media Center serves as a vital instrument as well as abasis requirement for quality education by enriching all parts of the school's educational process.
EMC services;
1. Orientation
2. Selection of print and non-print materials
3. Organization of print and non-print materials
4. Curriculum of print and non-print materials
5. Reference
6. Bibliographic Service
7. Media Instruction Program
8. Class Supervised Research
9. Grade Level newspaper
10. Mags-on-wheels
11. Photocopying service
12. Video and Sound Production
13. Multi-media services


                 EMC is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school. It renders a quality service for a school. It is a unit in the school that help the school fulfill its mission and realize its vision by living up to the schoo's philosophy and aims.
                For a classroom facilities, it should be designed and provided with essential facilities for effective use of educational media,classroom must equipped for full light conmtrol, electrical outlets, appropriate ventillation and media operation space, classrooms should be equipped with a bulletin board, chalkboard, projection screen, map rails for instructional using media.
               Foe a media program, there must be a clear-cut administration policies in the media program, there must be an adequate source/system of funding, there must be appropriate hiring of media center supervisions, creating and technical personnel,consultants and clerical staff.
               An EMC is a facility of the school system tasked to acquire, maintain, care and promote the full effective use of educational media. It bridges both old and new technologies meant to make learning more effecient and effective. It facilitates and ensures the optimum user of all instructional media. It organizes learning activities for students and teachers alike for them to upgrade and improve on their technology manipulative skills all for the purpose of motivating them to keep on developing their communication, analytical, integrative, creative and collaborative skills for meaningful lifelong learning.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


                 It says that some students memorize very much for the test fit their style of test preparation to the kind of test and study only for passing score and a passing grade.
                 Authentic assessment is most appropriate for the constructivist classroom. Authentic assessment measures collective abilities, written and oral expression skills, analytical skills, manipulative skills like computer skills integration, creativity and ability to work collaboratively.


               Students learned based on the teaching methods that teachers had/have presented nor taught. Students study and learn based on the way they are tested. Assessment should had to influence how and what they learn. They learnes from and with technology in atechnology-supported classroom. Technology serves as a source of information where the students learn from in the same way that the teacher are a source of information.
              In a constructivist classroom, learning transcends memorization of facts. These facts should be put together, form concepts and make meaning out of them. Facts and Concepts interconnect each other to daily life.
             Nowadays,people need to be computer literate and fluent or else we get lost or become helpless.
             By using transparencies and OHP to demonstate the assigned topic/title or by the use of a powerpoint presentation. therefore, learning is active, constructive, intentional, authentic, realistic, reliable, concise and cooperative process. To assess students manipulative skill, conduct a direct assessment with the help of a SCORING RUBRIC.


                     This is more on strategy and planning. Before the project starts,create project description and milestones. Put in a nutshell what project is all about.


                   In planning, goals and objectives are always the starting points. Begin by clarifying goals and objectives. From the list of objectives and content found in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide, select which ones will lead themselves to a project-based multimedia learning strategy. Be realistic in the amount of time we have to spend. Students should cooperate in such experiences or even conduct a research to collect information and gather ideas.
                  Field trips,teacher-guided lessons, student research, interviews, observation and questioning are all activities must be dond and observed. Such research involved compelling photographs, quotes, sounds and other media they need to encounter. Allow time for students to present and show off  their hard work. They will be proud of what they have done and they want to share it with others. This will make them a memorable project and make them even more special. Have a school event such as Parents' Night or end-of the quarter activity. Organize an exhibition day or a multimedia project for the semester. Take time to review the ups and down of the project with students and anyone else who participated. Have suggestions for improvement.
                  If a picture is worth a thousand words, follow the steps in a multimedia project lesson plan. Involved these are: Planning, Researching, Organizing, Developing, Communicating and Evaluating. In making a lesson plan or in a lesson planning that teachers do is basically the same with the steps in implementing a multimedia project. 


                 We need to make use of a combination of learning resources or media to make our teaching as concrete as we can so abstractions will be clear and meaningful. This is a method of learning that utilizes multimedia,project-based learning.
                 A class that effectively employs project-based multimedia learning is highly animated and actively engaged.


               Project-based learning and Multimedia adresses the basic knowledge and skills all students are expected to acquire as laid down in the content and performance standards and competencies of the K to 12 basic education curriculum. Every student is absorbed in a task in line with the goals and objectives made clear at the start. Time has wings.Time flies so fast that students don't feel its passing. Teachers does not just stay in front of the class learning. She monitors students as they work. Students consult her for guidance and comments. She does not impose her will on students. She allows students to make decisionsfor themselves. The intellectual powers of the students are very much challenged as they read, research for basic information and as they analyze and organize these bits of information. Much of their technical skills learned from their computer courses and creativity and imagination are demanded when the students produce multimedia presentation by using multimedia produced by others.
              Project-based multimedia learning is a value added in teaching. It is a powerful motivator. Find time to orient the students on what are expected of them, guidelines, goals and objectives of the project and more. These are some limitations in the use of project-based multimedia. One limitation is the need for an extended period of time. Another limitation is the basic computer courses did not teach them the skills demanded by such strategy, there will be a problem. To resort such problem, find time to learn devotely technology. Third limitation is the tendency to lose track of the goals and objectives of the lesson because the technology aspect has gotten the timelight. It does not only involve use of multimedia for learning. Students end up with a multimedia product to show what they learned. The students work collaboratively over an extended time frame.As they work, they employ life skills including decision making. Their learning task ends up with a multimedia presentation through their multimedia product. Be familiar with the computer. Firstly, familiarize its' basic parts, learn how to use it, and learn how to apply it. Be literate, be exposed and be confident in dealing with others. Share knowledge and skills in computer to the illeterate and novice.